Monday, November 1, 2010

In Court Longer Than Some Marriages

We are approaching the 20th anniversary of the A-12 stealth attack aircraft litigation between the Navy and McDonnell Douglas and General Dynamic.

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a limited appeal of the government’s 1991 default termination of the A-12 stealth attack aircraft. This litigation has lasted longer than many marriages. Will it make the Guinness Book of World Records?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Set-Asides for Women-Owned Small Businesses

This month SBA has made Women-Owned Small Businesses qualified for contract set-asides. WOSB are eligible for set-asides for less than $3 million for most contracts or $5 million for manufacturing.

On November 10 @7:30AM attend the Winning Army Contracts event to ask questions about the Small Business Programs for WOSB set-asides with the Army. Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber invites you to join them at Belle Haven Country Club.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

BRAC 133

The Belvoir Eagle reports that BRAC 133 facility located in the City of Alexandria will house approximately 6,400 Department of Defense (DoD) personnel. The site selection process by the Army was very competitive, but how well the City of Alexandria has planned for the traffic flow of 6,400 DoD personnel flowing into the site is yet to be determined. This is a terrific problem for small businesses to solve.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Distinguish Panel

Wednesday, November 10th @ 7:30AM
Join our distingush panel for ways your company can win US Army contracts.

Mr. Edward Harrington
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement)
“Small business Contracting in Afghanistan - Wartime Contracting”

Ms. Tracey Pinson
Director of the Office of Small Business ProgramsSecretary of the United States Army
“US Army Small Business Contracting Worldwide”

COL Mark Moffatt
Deputy Garrison Commander for Transformation and BRAC at Fort Belvoir
“Wrap-up of the BRAC and What It Means for Fort Belvoir”

Ms. Alice Williams-Gray
Associate Director, Office of Small Business ProgramsUS Army Contracting Command, Fort Belvoir
“Belvoir Installation Small Business Contracting Opportunities”

Register at:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hard Summer of Social Reality

After a summer of funerals and family reunions, it is time to return to the work at hand. The work at hand is social media for the next Contact-for-Contracts event. The next event is November 10, 2010 at 7:30AM at the Belle Haven Country Club.

We have an amazing line-up of Department of Defense Army Procurement Officials to inform us of the best way to win Army contracts. The next couple of blogs will also wrap-up some of the first event questions as well. Stay Tune

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Honorable Tom Davis

What a great opportunity to pick the mind of an unrestricted policy maker regarding the last reforms made in government procurement.

The Honorable Tom Davis is former chair of the US House Reform Committee, which made major changes to improve the contracting process. He will discuss the Do's and Don'ts of Government Contracting and take questions.

Also present will be three prime contractors who are interested in teaming with area business to win bids. Come ready to connect with contacts that will make a difference.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce

The Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce has established a new committee focused on government contracting. The Government Procurement Relations committee was established to facilitate the contacts necessary to strengthen government contracting. The committee is conducting it's Contacts-for-Contracts breakfast on June 24th at the Belle Haven Country Club.

This chamber is in south Fairfax County and serves businesses and citizens in the area surrounding the Fort Belvoir Military installation.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


On Thursday June 24, at 7:30AM the Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce is conducting their Contacts-for-Contracts Breakfast. This is an awesome opportunity for area businesses interested in government contracts

It will be held at the Belle Haven Country Club. The Honorable Tom Davis, former Chair of the US House Government Reform Committee, is fully versed in the contract reforms that have recently taken place, and will serve as our keynote speaker. He will discuss the do's and don'ts of government contracting.

The event is sponsored by Inkwell Duck, Inc., Portal Dynamics, VSE Corporation, and Wymond Associates, LLC. Sponsors are prime contractors and will share their strategies and teaming opportunities in government contracting.

Don't let this event sell out without you! Register at this link.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


If you're interested in Government contracting, you're in the right place.

This blog will work on methods for establishing contacts in the government and how to identify who it is you need to know.