Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Click for Your Thoughts

What was your most valuable take away from Friday's marketing to the government using social media presentation?

Here are Lara's links for a quick review: presentation and CSCI’s home page as well at

Please share your most valuable take away in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. She had a very good point about having an overall strategy as you go forth with your social media campaign.

  2. Thank you Karen. I think is is extremely important to have an overall strategy. On numerous occasions, I have witnessed individuals just "doing" social media without any idea of why they are doing it?

    During Questions, individuals asked for some great ideas on policies, I have included a couple of links that have more than 200 social media policies.


    Thank you again!

  3. I was one of the people that felt that LinkedIn was for professionals and facebook was for people with too much time on their hands. I am restructuring my thinking (strategizing?) on how to better use social media and specifically the metrics available. Great presentation.
