Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lobby into a Contract

Reminder: Our Leads Spotlight is a lobbiest for hire!


For details see the leads post of June 10th. Small business can lobby too!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Great Speakers & Great Program

The Contacts-for-Contracts Women in Government Contracting was outstanding.

The panel of three speakers was amazing--

  1. Allegra McCullough brought years of wisdom and experience to the podium from the inside of government evaluating the ability of companies.

  2. Maria Asuelimen is currently in the trenches working with small businesses and managing an SBA portfolio of 100 small businesses.

  3. Karen Maples delivered passion and enthusiasm to the accomplishment and drive of women entrepreneurs.
See bios for the full impact of what they brought to the table-- http://www.inkwellduck.com/contacts-4-contracts-bios.html

It was a fascinating and truly informative morning.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Don't Miss Tomorrow Morning...

Attend breakfast tomorrow with women who are positioning themselves for prosperity in government contracting... http://www.inkwellduck.com/contacts-4-contracts.html

Teaming with women to win is of interest to men too!

Learn appropriate teaming for winning set-asides.

7:30AM at the Belle Haven Country Club
(south of the beltway off Rte 1--Near Huntington Metro)

Friday, June 10, 2011

First Leads Spotlight--Hartwell Capitol Consulting (HCC)

The Government Procurement Relaitons Committee members are sending strong, positive energy and warm/hot leads to our leads spotlight--Rob Hartwell.
Unique Offering: HCC offers nearly 30 years of experience in Lobbying and Business Development, specializing in solving problems with the government and building business with Government agencies and contractors working with the government. If you want to know how to best position your company to sell to the government and meet success, or get the government off your back, utilize my firm… both here in the U.S. and in Europe, Asia and the Americas!
Ideal customers: Companies with specific issues or problems that only Congress or the Administration can address. Expertise covering defense, energy, environment, health care, IT, non profits, security, international business, and taxation.
Seeking: Firms that need federal lobbying help and development of its business with government agencies or teaming with well known government contractors.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Participation Points

The Government Procurement Committee has a participation point system for committee members. Not everyone can attend meetings, but they can contribute. With your points you and/or your organization are spotlighted for leads.

10 points – Speakers for GPR meetings & events
(Topics related to government contracts or grants)
5 points—Sponsor or secure a C4C event sponsor
5 points—Attend the C4C big events
3 points—Provide warm/hot leads to GPR committee members
3 points—Share success stories affiliated with GPR/C4C
3 points—Provide Refreshments for committee meetings
2 points—Attend committee meetings; 7/8 in 2010 & 5/9 in 2011
It cost 50% of your points once you’re spotlighted and you take a new position in the cue.

The GPR Committee is open to all members of the Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce Membership. Contact Holly at 703 360-6925 to join the chamber. Give the code: "Inkwell C4C" and receive a membership gift.

Comment your questions about the Leads Program. They will be answered shortly.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Click Follow on the right----->

Stay on top of

  • Contacts-for-Contracts

  • The Government Procurement Relations Committee and

  • The Leads Program
by becoming a follower by clicking to the right....

Key for GREAT Leads...

When completing the Leads Form the key to good leads is letting your fellow committee members know what type of leads you want.

KEY: Ideal Customer(s) section... This will indicate the types of leads you want. Be as specific as possible.

Who? Industry, size, a specific name?
What need will you address for the potential customer?
When are you available to work with the potential customer?
Where--what customer territory do you serve?

You may change the criteria of the leads sought with each spotlight.

Leads Collection Form

Join Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce
Then Join the Government Procurement Relations (GPR) Committee. State you'd like to help via e-mail: twood@inkwellduck.com
And inject your organization with warm/hot leads by completing the embedded Leads Collection Form.